

“Your wrong perspective can keep you from becoming all God created you to be. What you focus on, you magnify.”

What you focus on is driving you. Let’s say you just received a garnishment notice, that a creditor will take 25% of your check every pay period. Most would probably pass out or ball the paper i disgust. Now after all would you focus on that or a solution? Focusing on the problem could motivate you momentarily but eventually you will feel sad and defeated. Let positive uplifting things be your focus!

Speaking from experience you know things will come into your life and sometimes multiple things! No matter how painful, unfair, heart breaking, unbelievable the situation is don’t you focus on it! Push through, pull those boot straps tight and fight for your success don’t you dare give up! Take everything in you and want it like you want food and oxygen! Pray and meditate on it, if you grow weary be still and let God!

Update: As of yesterday I became qualified in my mlm! Going forward for this week I have 6 more new accounts I will be closing! AND I am going through 4 major personal situations. WHO CARES! I wake up with one priority build my business. If it does not align with that it does not get my focus. If you focus on problems YOU LOOSE!

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