Keep calling…

So its been a week and I am overdue for my post in regards to the outcome of my calls. I was side tracked just a bit and could not make calls until Wednesday. (My daughter needed help making 30 posters for school.) Which is ok because the freedom I have to work when I want is wonderful! Well I am just going to break down the numbers. I have found that some calls can be time consuming, rescheduled or numbers no longer in service. Out of the 7 calls made, attempted and ongoing. I received 2 referrals, 4 people looking to use my services. One person looking to use several services, and one looking at possibly becoming my business partner. And one follow-up call because they are unsure. For the coming week I have 5 scheduled appointments and looking to gain several referrals also.

I work my business everyday for right now. If I am not making calls I am training. This may not work for some people but that’s the wonderful thing about network marketing it’s at your convenience.

I will consider last week good progress. Let’s hit the ground running Monday!


Put Up Or Shout Up!

So today is my first day toward my 30 day goal. My goal is 300 bucks. Some may say well that’s not much. For me, it’s realistic. It starts with making calls from my “warm list.” Honestly, I have drawn conclusions on how I think those conversations will go. I’m not suppose to do that but I’m growing. I know that any “No” is not a personal attack, so I welcome the no’s to get to 1 yes!

Right now I am anxious, I want the money like yesterday. Patience is such a virtue I know.(working on that) I must say I feel a burning desire to succeed. One thing about motivation is it can set your whole thought process to BELIEVE you can do the unbelievable. As long as I keep my subconscious (I call her Tonya) from trying to scare me back into my comfort zone.

In this business your thoughts can hinder you if you let them. Well here is to putting “Tonya” in her place and becoming 300 bucks richer!

Stay tuned for today’s results tomorrow!

Knowledge is POWER

So today I am taking some great advice. “Know everything you can about what you are doing.” Fred Trump (Donald Trump’s Dad)

At this point, I am reading and learning everything I can before I began my business. I realize that a corporate way of thinking will not work in network marketing. I have to reset my thought process set my own goals, be my own boss, beause here I reap what I sow. For some just this much responsibility at the beginning stages can be hard to handle. So I have learned thus far that building routines are crucial for me now. I have an appointment book and there are certain things that are consistent daily. Appointments, meetings, networking, lunch are all planned around my daily routines. First I have a weekly motivation, for this week I stated above. I read scriptures, check emails, meditation or exercise, return calls, calibration appointment, and personal growth reading same time every week, everyday.

I can thank Darren Hardy @DARRENHARDY, Donald @realDonaldTrump and Fred Trump for the great advice!

What is my blog about?

Well I have decided to join a network marketing organization! I have been reading lots of books on personal growth, watching youtubes just getting inspired. I see the success of other individuals and I am fascinated by their success, leadership and preserverance! But what I didnt get a glimspe of was their struggles before the success! As they journeyed from who they were to who the are now. This blog is not to discredit network marketing just a deeper insight. Some may say well you might fail. WRONG ANSWER. I will succeed! I just want to help someone remove the doubt of what network marketing can do for your life if you follow the system. So my blog will do just that. I do not hold any position in the particular mlm I am signing up with yet. So this is my journey from the very beginning. I will set a date and from that day forward I will implement the system of the mlm. Well stay tuned more to come…